Miss Perfect Pitch Website Case Study

Musician Gets New Website Design and Hosts For Free
This website was built by Red Panther for Miss Perfect Pitch
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t's Just a Small Business, Right?

How much of an impact can a new website have on a small business?

A big impact.

In fact, the website has been the top source of new leads for students, right along with referrals.

That's big.

Is The Investment Worth It?

This musician now has over 30 students, thanks in part to her website. If you do the math, those students pay off the cost of the website very quickly.

Free Hosting?

Yes. We used Netlify to host her website, which means all she has to pay for is her domain.

This is not a great solution for all businesses, but because she needs very little website maintenance and no CMS requirements, it works perfectly here.

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